NOTIONES at PPS event in Brussels

NOTIONES at PPS event in Brussels

The NOTIONES project attended the Projects to Policy Seminar (PPS), an event organised in Brussels by DG HOME and REA C2 unit. The two-day event (30th  June – 1st  July) invited and gathered 45 projects funded under the Secure Societies Call 2020, as well as policymakers in the European Commission (DGs HOME, ECHO, ENV, SANTE, ENER, TAXUD, etc.) and EU agencies (EUROPOL, eu-LISA, CEPOL, etc.).

Invited NOTIONES representatives on site included Project Coordinator Concepcion Cortes Velasco (Fundación Technalia Research & Innovation, Spain) and Dissemination WP leader Niklas Hamann (SYNYO GmbH, Austria).