NOTIONES at the final Pilots of the CREST H2020 project

NOTIONES at the final Pilots of the CREST H2020 project

During the week of 16th to 20th of January 2023, the Portuguese Criminal Police (Polícia Judiciária – PJ) hosted the two final pilot tests of the CREST H2020 project (link) in the Lisbon region, Portugal. The CREST project aimed at developing a holistic platform for counter terrorism purposes, involving multiple technologies suitable for surveillance and fighting of criminal activities, such as open source intelligence (OSINT) modules, blockchain mechanisms for secure data exchange, IoT devices including fixed sensors, usage of multi-domain autonomous platforms (such as UAVs and UGVs), among others. During this event, it was possible for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and technical partners to demonstrate the final results of the project by testing their deployment in simulated scenarios and performing the evaluation of the platform and its modules, including the final assessment of LEAs feedback.

Learn more about the CREST project at

Additionally, during the event, the team shared information and dissemination materials from other EU funded projects where PJ also participates, including NOTIONES, in order to raise awareness for these projects from other members of the Security R&I community that attended the CREST event.

Author(s): Nuno Correia, Filipe Rodrigues