Laurea University of Applied Sciences UAS Applies Results from the NOTIONES Project in Its Teaching

Laurea University of Applied Sciences UAS Applies Results from the NOTIONES Project in Its Teaching

Laurea University of Applied Sciences (UAS) is the work package leader for the NOTIONES project and is particularly responsible for co-creation and stakeholder collaboration. Laurea UAS is the only civilian higher education provider in security in Finland. The university offers both bachelor’s and master’s degree programs, including Security Management and Security and Risk Management. Each year, approximately 1,600 students graduate from Laurea.

The NOTIONES project presented its outcomes on August 16, 2024, during Laurea’s semester opening ceremony. The event gathered more than 530 students and staff members to celebrate the new semester. NOTIONES’ presentation focused especially on the co-creation processes between research institutions, technology producers, and practitioners. The project has produced practical case examples for several of Laurea’s courses.

“I believe that Laurea’s strength lies in integrating results from successful projects like NOTIONES directly into higher education. This also enhances students’ employment opportunities during their studies,” said Mari K. a participant of the event.

Author (s): Pasi Hario, Laurea University of Applied Sciences