
Zanasi & Partners is a partner in the NOTIONES project. What is your role within this network of intelligence  and security practitioners across and beyond Europe?The primary role of Zanasi & Partners (Z&P) in NOTIONES is related to the Scientific and Technical Coordination of the project. We supervise all the...

On October 30th, Reggio Calabria hosted a pivotal conference on "The World of Interceptions: Languages, New Technologies, Legal Profiles, and Artificial Intelligence." Guido Villa, representing Tecoms and the Notiones project, presented "Analysis of Telephone Traffic: Current State and New Challenges."Villa's presentation focused on telephone traffic analysis, labeling it a "time...

The Scientific and Academic Computer Network - National Research Institute (NASK) and the Central Office for Combating Cybercrime (CBZC) have been effectively cooperating since the Central Office for Combating Cybercrime was established in January 2022. This cooperation has now been formalised through the signing of a special agreement. The day...

The National Forensic Centre of the Swedish Police Authority are a partner in the NOTIONES project. What is your role within this network of police and intelligence agencies across Europe?As a Law Enforcement Agency, our role is to contribute with end user perspectives, sharing challenges and experiences within the area...

The Forensic Experts Forum (FEF) conference, which was dedicated to promoting international cooperation in the field of Computer Forensics, took place at Europol's headquarters in The Hague from 14-15 September 2023. Participants shared knowledge, technological innovations, best practices and other information that could help solve digital forensics issues internationally.The participants...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Navigating the modern age has taken on a new dimension with the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), reshaping the very fabric of daily life. As we witness a significant shift in societal operations, AI has seamlessly integrated itself as a vital tool within...

After some years of absence due to COVID-19 and Ukraine war, the Security Research Event 2023 finally took place in Brussels on the 24th and 25th of October 2023; under the theme: Societal transformations, climate change and digitalization – a new paradigm of Security Research?, various experts gathered to provide...

The presented report was prepared and published by CTC project. As such it discusses the emerging threats and trends of terrorist financing (TF) in relation to new technologies, such as cryptocurrencies, new payment systems, obfuscation methods, and social media. The document is based on the review of various sources of...